Thursday, October 1, 2009



Well now it is Seriously September feeling in NYC , mostly because its October now.
I slept till noon today and just ate way too much Chipotle. See, who said blogging couldnt be more boring than FaceBook .

After seeing the wild response to Brookes Handerpants posting I figured we have to get this blog business underway once and for all, so come on people - share your latest Youtube obsession- post your students worst and most laughable work- break your kids arm and take adorable pictures- test run your wedding vows.

Me, I am going to remind you all to buy a webcam before this sunday so that we can videoconference- we call it videogeneralconference .
and share with you all this lovely pic of my sister and her daughter smiling because they are in a chocolatiers factory in brooklyn - thats my hood.

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